Cambria County Employees' Retirement Pension Plan Benefits Estimator

Member Information

Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Expected Last Day of Work (MM/DD/YYYY)
Beneficiary Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Current Full Time Service (Years, as of January 1,  )
(1) Current Annual Salary ($)
(2) Total Contribution and Interest Balance ($)
Current Employee Contribution Rate (%)
(3) Voluntary Employee Contribution Rate (%)
(4) Assumed Rate of Return (%)
Assumed Future Salary Increase (%)
(1) Assumed annual salary for  . Do not use commas.
(2) Can be found on your yearly Employee Retirement Statement received in January. Do not use commas.
(3) Voluntary Employee Contribution Rate shall not exceed 10%. Do not use the percent sign.
(4) Assumed Rate of Return shall not be less than 4% nor more than 5.5%

Member Information

Projected Date of Retirement
Age at Retirement
Beneficiary Age at Retirement
Final Average Salary ($)
Assumed Future Salary Increase (%)
Projected Service at Retirement (Years)
Total Contribution Rate (%)
Assumed Interest Crediting Rate (%)
Total Account Contributions ($)

Estimated Benefit Information at Projected Date of Retirement ()

No Option $-- payable monthly throughout the life of the member. Should the member fail to receive payments at least equal to their accumulated deductions of $, the balance shall be paid to their designated beneficiaries.
Option One $-- payable monthly throughout the life of the member. Should the member fail to receive payments at least equal to the present value of their retirement allowance of $--, the balance shall be paid to their designated beneficiaries.
Option Two $-- payable monthly throughout the life of the member. Upon their death $-- shall be continued monthly throughout the life of their surviving designated beneficiary. Should the member and the primary beneficiary fail to receive payments at least equal to the accumulated deductions of $, the balance shall be paid to the member's contingent beneficiary.
Option Three $-- payable monthly throughout the life of the member. Upon their death $-- shall be continued monthly throughout the life of their surviving designated beneficiary. Should the member and the primary beneficiary fail to receive payments at least equal to the accumulated deductions of $, the balance shall be paid to the member's contingent beneficiary.
Option Four (A) Withdraw in one payment the accumulated deductions of $ credited to the member's account. The member will then receive $-- payable monthly throughout the life of the member. Upon the member's death, no further benefits will be payable.
Option Four (B) Withdraw in one payment the accumulated deductions of $ credited to the member's account. The member will then receive $-- payable monthly throughout the life of the member. Should the member fail to receive payments at least equal to the present value of the County annuity of $--, the balance shall be paid to their designated beneficiaries.
Option Four (C) Withdraw in one payment the accumulated deductions of $ credited to the member's account. The member will then receive $-- payable monthly throughout the life of the member. Upon their death $-- shall be continued monthly throughout the lifetime of their surviving designated beneficiary.
Option Four (D) Withdraw in one payment the accumulated deductions of $ credited to the member's account. The member will then receive $-- payable monthly throughout the life of the member. Upon their death $-- shall be continued monthly throughout the lifetime of their surviving designated beneficiary.

The above estimates are for informational purposes only. Your actual retirement benefits will be determined based on your actual work history, earnings, and the terms of the plan in effect at your retirement. Your actual benefits may differ from estimates produced by this calculator and you assume all liability for the use and reliance of any calculations within.

If you are not yet 55 and have at least 20 years of service or you are involuntarily terminated, you may be eligible for reduced payments as of an Early Retirement Date. Please contact the Plan Sponsor for more information regarding Early Retirement.